Meaning of (शिमला मिर्च) shimala mirch in english

Suggested : a variety of pepper, Capsicum annuum grossum, having a mild-flavored, bell-shaped or somewhat oblong fruit a pungent condiment obtained from various plants of the genus Piper, especially from the dried berries, used whole or ground, of the tropical climbing shrub P nigrum the ripe, red, mild-flavored fruit of the sweet or bell pepper, Capsicum annuum, used as a vegetable, relish, to stuff olives, etc a red, powdery condiment derived from dried, ripe sweet peppers any plant of the genus Capsicum, of the nightshade family, as C annuum, the common pepper of the garden, occurring in many varieties
Exampleशिमला मिर्च का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(शिमला मिर्च) shimala mirch can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. Transliteration : shimalaa mircha

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